the days and the weeks are starting to become one big blur
never a break
go go go
today i have to go and get film made for my book
this is terrifying because if there are any mistakes
any mistakes at all
it's too late
if something is out of allignment
or anything at all
i'ts too late
i guess that's the problem with doing such a complicated book
there are 100's of details to keep track of
so i have to go get film made before i go to class
and then wednesday we start stripping our film up
and the week after that we start printing
very exciting, very exciting
never a break
go go go
today i have to go and get film made for my book
this is terrifying because if there are any mistakes
any mistakes at all
it's too late
if something is out of allignment
or anything at all
i'ts too late
i guess that's the problem with doing such a complicated book
there are 100's of details to keep track of
so i have to go get film made before i go to class
and then wednesday we start stripping our film up
and the week after that we start printing
very exciting, very exciting