Thursday, September 22, 2005

the train

taking the train to school makes for an entirely new dynamic
i was used to the whole driving thing
i'm trying to adjust to this new way of life

in some ways it is much less stressful than driving
but it sucks up much more time out of my day
much of that sucked up time is spent waiting
i end up downtown much earlier that i need to be
i catch the 11:30 train for a 1pm class
and it's about a 30 minute trip
including walking from the train station to school
and then depending on the day
i can end up waiting anywhere from 30 seconds to an hour
to catch a train home

when traveling by train there is no possibility
of stoppng to buy groceries (if neccesary) on the way home
there is no singing along the the car stereo
there is no screaming and cursing at people who should have their drivers licenses revoked
so there are pros and cons

in some ways it makes the day more leisurely
i can read on the train
i can stop for lunch somewhere on my way to school

in some ways it can make my day more frantic
as in: ohmygodhowdiditgetsolate.....

and sometimes i just miss being able to
jump into my car and be off and away
as the weather gets colder and wetter
i guess i may choose to drive more often
for now i am looking for good books
any suggestions?


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